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Intellectual Property

Designer and Intellectual Property

Intellectual property relates to the creations of the human mind. For example, inventions and designs (protected through utility and design patents and industrial designs), words and symbols used in connection with goods and services to identify their source (protected through trademark and service mark registrations), and the numerous forms of artistic and written expression (protected through copyright registrations) are types of intellectual property. Intellectual property law is an area of law that deals with the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights.

Johnson & Martin, P.A. assists its clients in protecting their valuable intellectual property rights through preparing, filing, and prosecuting applications for patents, trademark and service mark registrations, and copyright registrations. Our attorneys include Registered Patent Attorneys and lawyers who concentrate their practices on trademark, copyright and other areas of intellectual property law. Johnson & Martin, P.A.’s attorneys are highly skilled in representing clients before the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the United States Copyright Office.

A Registered Patent Attorney is one who has passed an examination conducted by the USPTO to become qualified to represent clients in patent matters before the USPTO. Only a Registered Patent Attorney is permitted to represent a client in preparing, filing, and prosecuting a patent application before the USPTO. In addition to being a person of good moral character and of good repute, to become a Registered Patent Attorney, the USPTO also requires that the attorney possess legal, scientific and technical qualifications necessary to render valuable advice and services to patent applicants. Registered Patent Attorneys also must have a college degree in engineering or physical science (e.g., biology, chemistry, or physics) or the equivalent of such a degree. Johnson & Martin, P.A.’s lawyers include Registered Patent Attorneys who are knowledgeable and highly skilled in assisting clients in filing and prosecuting utility and design patent applications.

In addition to working closely with our clients to secure protection for their intellectual property in the United States, Johnson & Martin, P.A.’s attorneys regularly advise and assist clients who seek protection for their intellectual property in foreign countries. Johnson & Martin, P.A. maintains and works with a network of reputable and skilled foreign firms to ensure that clients receive competent advice in matters related to foreign patent, trademark, and copyright protection and enforcement.

Please contact one of our attorneys if you have questions concerning or require assistance with any intellectual property matters including:


Industrial Designs


Trade Dress

Service Marks

Trade Secrets


Right of Publicity

You Innovate We Protect - Johnson & Martin PA